
Breathe.  Gather the winds and make them plead,  Bring cirrus, stratus, and nimbus into thee,  Breathe.  Until thy lungs are ruptured and sore,  Stoke the fire in thy belly, make it roar,  Breathe.  And leave no room for doubt,  Breathe with certainty inside and out,  And bring the heavens to a halt in one clean shout,  Breathe.  With the word that freed the Habashi,  That … Continue reading Exhale

Is ‘God’ Meaningless? Exploring Theological Noncognitivism

What is theological noncognitivism? [1] Most people may not be familiar with the term, but more familiar with the sentiment. Theological noncognitivism roughly holds that all theological discourse is meaningless. Unlike atheism, which essentially rejects the proposition that “God exists,” theological noncognitivism holds that propositions like “God exists” are not even meaningful or intelligible in any way. To really understand this position, it is important to talk about the position’s philosophical origins.  Continue reading Is ‘God’ Meaningless? Exploring Theological Noncognitivism

Le Prétexte Laïque: L’État en tant que Divinité

In English Avec les avancées technologiques et les informations qui nous arrivent dessus à une vitesse délirante, nous faisons face à un assaut de questions éthiques importantes. De l’impact des politiques économiques sur les communautés locales, en passant par les débats et législations sur la liberté d’expression, jusqu’à l’origine et le caractère sacré de la vie humaine, nous voyons les politiciens traiter des questions qui mettent … Continue reading Le Prétexte Laïque: L’État en tant que Divinité