Femonationalism and Homonationalism: Who Gets to Commit Genocide?

“The first ever pride flag raised in Gaza,” read the caption of a picture featuring a beaming soldier raising an In the Name of Love pride flag while standing amidst the rubble and dead children his state and army have carpet bombed. Meanwhile, Noah Schnapp, one of America’s most famous gay actors, shared a post about how unsafe he feels at Penn State and handed out Zionism is sexy and Hamas is ISIS stickers to giggling friends in a montage set to a Taylor Swift song. Continue reading Femonationalism and Homonationalism: Who Gets to Commit Genocide?

A Book Review of ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution’ 

Perry’s book is a powerful critique of the sexual revolution, charting its negative impact on Western society. Throughout my reading, I could not help being struck by the raw honesty and piercing insight of her words. In her analysis, Perry exposes the damage inflicted upon the traditional family structure and the values that underpin it, arguing that contrary to popular perception, the sexual revolution was not a liberating force and had many negative consequences, particularly for women. Continue reading A Book Review of ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution’ 

The Male-Only Panel Fallacy

The issue of male-only panels is a new one. Outrage often seems manufactured: Muslim women are not “represented” in conferences, scholarly circles, panels, public events, speaking engagements, etc. This is considered a big problem, as it clearly serves as evidence of systematic misogyny, and Muslims will never progress unless it is resolved via a quota system of integrated avenues — or so goes traditional wisdom. Continue reading The Male-Only Panel Fallacy

Logrando el equilibrio entre feminismo y antifeminismo

Como una mujer jóven, me interesaba el lenguaje de la igualdad y la justicia social y me sentí obligada a tomar una posición en el debate sobre el feminismo. “¿Cómo podría alguien apoyar la desigualdad o la injusticia?”, las feministas lo preguntarían acusatoriamente. “Defiende el lado correcto de la historia,” ellas dirían, presentando el feminismo como una posición predeterminada, un hecho consumado que yo solo … Continue reading Logrando el equilibrio entre feminismo y antifeminismo

Logic as a Tool for Adab

There is something quite bizarre about walking into an Islamic studies lecture to hear figures of the past defined in modern terms. With ease, the figure of Rābi’ah al-’Adawiyyah is described not just as a Ṣūfī but someone who “emphasise[s] the autonomy and capacity to remain free of any male authority”; this definition is then over time translated to “a brave woman who fought against patriarchy and oppression from institutionalised orthodoxy” (a phrase I heard in a Harvard class). [1] Intuitively, one might feel a discomfort at hearing the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ described as a “feminist” simply because Islām’s denouncement of Jahili practices came to raise the status of women. Continue reading Logic as a Tool for Adab

The Sanitized Legacy of Nawal El-Saadawi

Egyptian feminist Nawal el-Saadawi has been the focus of hundreds of commemoration posts highlighting her combat for women’s rights after her passing on March 21. Her sanitized legacy overshadows the less celebratory aspects of her activism. An Islamophobe and supporter of the Rabaa Massacre, Saadawi is not being put under enough scrutiny.  Continue reading The Sanitized Legacy of Nawal El-Saadawi

البحث عن التوازن بين النسوية ومنتقديها

In English كوني إمرأة، انجذبت لدعوات العدالة والمساواة بين الجنسين و احسستها مسؤوليتي أن اتخذ رأيًا عن الحركة النسوية. قالوا النسويون و .النسويات: كيف يستطيع أحد أن يدعم الظلم وعدم المساواة؟ وطرحت النسوية كالحل الوحيد، مع تبقي فقط إنتمائي إليها لكن بحثت عن النسوية وقواعدها وأفكارها، ووجدت أسئلة أكثر من الإجابات. وجدت غموض في تعاريف المصطلحات، رأي سطحي للتاريخ، واختلافات بين القادة. كل هذا اضطرني … Continue reading البحث عن التوازن بين النسوية ومنتقديها